Vacancies in Burek

“Burek” is not only a delivery of chebureks and yantiks, but also a lifestyle. A style that has a great goal and an initiative team. Every day we create, improve and deliver energy, a burst of taste and vivid emotions.

If you strive to help and ignite others with your positive energy, want to improve and grow every day – welcome to the team of chebureks and yantiks “Burek”

Vacancies burek

5 reasons why you should work here

You become part of the Burek Family

Burek family are young individuals who are full of thirsty for knowledge and self-development.

We encourage career growth

We appreciate enterprising employees and offer career growth to the most active.

We welcome mutual assistance and respect each other

Help and respect are key values ​​in our family, so don't be afraid to start your career with us.

We are actively scaling up

We have been on the market for 3 years, but we are still flexible to changes and offer you to join the formation of the history of the big brand.

We care about corporate culture

We know what we want, we have a main goal and we are taking big steps to achieve it. Each of our employees is an important part of the company.



(Укр) Касир

Львів, Сихівський, Франківський, Шевченківський, Залізничний райони
(Укр) Касир в нашій компанії є лицем закладу, тож формуємо максимально дружню команду, спілкування з якою приноситиме неймовірне задоволення клієнту. Готовий прикладати максимум зусиль для ефективної роботи? Тоді тобі до нас!

(Укр) Кухар, чебурекмайстер

Повна зайнятість
(Укр) Якщо ти відчуваєш, що кухня - це твоє щире захоплення, не уявляєш життя без чебуреків, вмієш або хочеш навчитись готувати - тоді ми чекаємо саме на тебе! Шукаємо молодих та амбітних, захоплених кухнею та своєю роботою!

Our values are important part of corporate culture:
- a new culture of consumption of chebureks. Burek restores the fashion for chebureks in a modern way.
- frankness. We only have open kitchens, so our guest can always watch his cooking.
- friendly team. We are actively scaling up, so there is always mutual help and respect in our family.
- development. Burek family are young and promising individuals who are full of thirsty for knowledge and development.
- independence. Despite the fact that we are a young team, we make responsible and sensible decisions for common results.

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    (Укр) 79008, Львів

    вул. Полуботка, 31